CBS Promotes Colbert Likening Romney's Leadership of Bain to Cannibalistic Donner Party: 'They Ate The Weak'

Matthew Balan | July 17, 2012
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Left-wing comedian Stephen Colbert smeared Mitt Romney on the 16 July 2012 edition of his Comedy Central program, hinting that Bain Capital under his helm acted like a group of 19th century settlers that resorted to cannibalism. After noting how President Obama forwarded a claim by The Washington Post that Bain owned companies that were "pioneers" of outsourcing, Colbert snarked, "Who cares? Pioneers opened up the West. Bain was just like the Donner Party. They ate the weak."

The following day, Tuesday's CBS This Morning publicized the liberal celebrity's attack during their regular "Eye Opener" segment just after the top of the 7 am Eastern hour.