CBS Covers Oregon 'Pulling the Plug' on Health Exchange, But Omits 'Obama'; ABC, NBC Ignore

Matthew Balan | April 25, 2014
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The 25 April 2014 edition of CBS Evening News was the lone Big Three evening newscast to spotlight how the State of Oregon decision to scrap its multimillion dollar health exchange website, and join the federal government's ABC's World News was too busy covering violence over spots at mall parking lots to notice, while NBC Nightly News zeroed in on baby Prince George's first trip to Australia.

Scott Pelley underlined how "the State of Oregon said that after months of trying, it cannot get its state health insurance website to work. It hasn't signed a single customer, and it is pulling the plug. It is the first state to do that." Nancy Cordes pointed the "$248 million failure," but didn't mention President Obama by name or ObamaCare as a term during her report. She merely made a vague references to the "federal" role in providing relief to the debacle:

NANCY CORDES: Federal officials said today they would work with Oregon to make sure the state is ready for the next open enrollment period, which starts in November. Several other states –  including Hawaii, Massachusetts, and Maryland – are all still trying to get their websites to work properly as well.