Brace for Tough Questions? Charlie Rose Sets Up Hillary Interview by Reading Laudatory Poem

Rich Noyes | July 18, 2014
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Host Charlie Rose set up an interview with Hillary Clinton on his July 17 PBS program by reading to her a poem written as tribute to the former First Lady — hardly a signal that tough questions were on the way:

“Maya Angelou, the late Maya Angelou, wrote a poem about her during the 2008 presidential campaign. It contains these lines: ‘There is a world of difference between being a woman and a being an old female. If you’re born a girl, grow up, and live long enough, you can become an old female. But to become a woman is a serious matter. A woman takes responsibility for the time she takes up and the space she occupies. Hillary Clinton is a woman.’ Some say she may be the first woman in the White House. I am pleased to have Hillary Clinton back at this table. Welcome.”