Blacks Speak For Themselves

MRCTVone | June 30, 2011
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In what is becoming one of the great mysteries in American politics, African Americans continue to enthusiastically approve of President Barack Obama's job performance, while the rest of the nation continues to lose faith in president Obama and his policies.
A recent Gallup poll showed that 85% of African American voters approve of the job President Obama is doing in office, while overall, 46% of voters approve of the president's job performance. 
But Obama's high approval rating among blacks alone does not appear to accurately describe this demographic group's strong feelings for the current president.
MRCTV went out and asked African Americans in the DC area who they thought was the best president in American history and found that Obama was the nearly unanimous choice.
Again, MRCTV can not explain the reasons for this phenomenon and will not speculate given that our survey was unscientific and limited in geographical scope.  We leave it to you the viewer to reach your own conclusions as to why Obama remains so popular among members of the black community.