Bitter Libs On Zimmerman's Historic 'Rescues'

radioeq | July 23, 2013
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STEPHANIE MILLER (23 JULY 2013): Oh this just in, ah apparently George Zimmerman saved Baby Jessica from the well


STEPHANIE MILLER: I did not realize that either. I forgot that story

JIM WARD: Good for him well well well then he spun back in time and unexploded the Hindenburg.

STEPHANIE MILLER: Wow he is awesome

JIM WARD: What a guy! That’s just the kind of guy he is, he’s just splendid.

STEPHANIE MILLER: All right join us if you’re calling bull-bleep on this Zimmerman rescued story.

STEPHANIE MILLER (18:16): Oh this just in regarding the Southwest Airlines flight breaking Zimmerman steps in and acts as nose gear for plane and pulls out 300 passengers from the wreckage.

JIM WARD: Right, that’s just the kind of guy he is, that’s the kind of guy he is

STEPHANIE MILLER: He’s just awesome!

JIM WARD: He went to the front of the plane and jumped down into the wheel well and stopped the plane with his feet. His feet are completely burned off now.

STEPHANIE MILLER: Like Fred Flintstone except with a plane.


STEPHANIE MILLER (2:50): John Fugelsang are you also calling bull bleep on this George Zimmerman rescue story like we are or?

JOHN FUGELSANG: I haven’t heard that much about it yet, I don’t know enough about it. I understand he did wear a cape and this absolutely wipes away the fact that he assaulted a female cop and had a restraining order against him from his old fiancé for battery so I guess he’s always been a great guy.

Jim Ward: He’s standing his ground.