Bernard Shaw Calls Trump 'Presidential Aberration,' Claims CNN is Balanced '24/7, Seven Days a Week'

Ryan Foley | June 2, 2020
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Monday's edition of Erin Burnett OutFront concluded with the eponymous host interviewing longtime CNN journalist Bernard Shaw; who was brought on to reflect on the network's 40th anniversary. However, he ended up spending most of his airtime trashing President Trump. According to Shaw, "the critical focus of history will judge Donald Trump as a presidential aberration. Walking from the White House through the tear gas-laden Lafayette Park to the steps of the church of the Presidents, St. John's, and holding up that bible would have made P.T. Barnum proud." Shaw also predicted that "the Democrats...will regain control of the Senate, will keep their majority in the House of Representatives, and the Trump/Pence ticket will be defeated by landslide proportions." As the hour came to a close, Shaw proclaimed that "never once have the people at CNN forgotten their mandate; which is to report the news, gather the news, report it, to do it fairly and in a balanced way. That's done 24/7, seven days a week."