Benghazi Victim’s Father Flips Script on Costello After She Badgers Him to Bash Trump

Kristine Marsh | August 2, 2016
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After the Khan family, a Muslim-American couple whose son was killed while fighting for the U.S. overseas, bashed Trump from the DNC stage last week, Trump in his typical style, escalated the situation by directing his criticism at the Khans. For this, the national media took him to task, hyping the situation and talking about it endlessly for the past five days. CNN, either trying to be balanced or cash in on Benghazi victims bashing Trump, attempted to do so Monday by bringing on Patricia Smith, and Tuesday morning bringing on Charles Woods. Woods was father to U.S. Navy S.E.A.L., Tyrone Woods, who was killed during the Benghazi attack. On CNN Newsroom, host Carol Costello repeatedly attempted to get Woods to ask Trump to “apologize” for his comments to the Khans, but instead of taking the bait, he turned the tables and called on someone else to apologize instead.

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