Atheist, Penn Jillette, Mentions That To NOT Prosylitize is Unloving

papagiorgio200 | April 1, 2013
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In this short clip, and after receiving a Bible, Penn shares his thoughts on faith and the act of Proselytizing. This will be added to my cumulative case against normalizing -- culturally -- same-sex relationships to that of marriage.

  • Again, to be clear, much like some atheists taking proselytization as a bigoted attack against their non-faith, others (Like Penn Jillette's example to the right) can choose to realize that it is done out of love and concern. Similarly, the LGBT community can choose to take this concern (above and below) as a personal attack against them, or, choose to realize it is done from a place of love and concern. Viewing life as one of the other as well will dictate in a small way if one is happy and has a wide variety of friends/acquaintances, or a miserable life and a small group of "mini-me" friends.