America Can’t be ‘This Stupid’: Cuomo Mocks Those Opposed to Gun Control

Nicholas Fondacaro | August 7, 2019
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***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***

While Wednesday night’s mass shooting town hall on CNN wasn’t as raucous as their Parkland show trial, it was every bit as anti-gun. And only that opinion mattered. Host Chris Cuomo stated as much when he teased his closing argument. He even went so far as to openly mock those who opposed his belief in sweeping gun control, including weapon bans.

I don't see sides to the issue of doing more or doing better than we're doing now when it comes to gun violence, but there are things that are obvious,” he teased before a commercial break.

After coming back from the break, he suggested that it would be “stupid” for America not to enact sweeping gun control. “For one, we can't continue to be this stupid. It just defies common sense. We have a clear consensus among Americans of wanting better and more protection,” he declared.
