Ahead of Debate, NBC Promotes Dem Solutions to Tax Woes, Opioids

Nicholas Fondacaro | November 19, 2019
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***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***

Leading up to their second Democratic 2020 debate, NBC News had been running a biased series where they only sought out “What Matters” to Democratic voters. For last Thursday’s installment, the network promoted former HUD Secretary Julian Castro’s plan to lower taxes for the middle class. Then, on the eve of the debate, they seemed to suggest only Democrats cared about the opioid crisis while boosting Senator Bernie Sander’s Medicare for all scheme.

Leading into the segment featuring Castro, NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt noted that Democratic voters were worried about “the bite taxes take out of their paychecks.” And during the report, correspondent Harry Smith showed Castro a video of one Democratic voter lamenting: “I'm being penalized because I'm single, I have no children, and I own no property. What they are taking from me for taxes is absurd.”

“Does that have a ring of truth to you,” Smith wondered. He then teed up the former secretary to target the GOP tax cuts that actually lowered the tax burden of the middle class and increased revenues.
