Adam Carolla & Dennis Prager Talk About Male/Female Nature

papagiorgio200 | June 22, 2012
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While on the show, Dennis Prager brings up a previous call to Adam Carolla where a college student, Erin, from Wellesley College called into Prager's "Male-Female Hour." She believes that our nature is totally by convention, that society brings out what we see in the male and female differences. After Adam Carolla gives his "patented" input, I then include the actual call. It is sad that all this money is flushed down the proverbial toilet in this girls life... but life tends to carry a big swat board. One hopes she reads books like "The Myth of Male Power," or, "The War Against Boys: How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men." (Posted by Religio-Political Talk)

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