ABC Whines SCOTUS Is Making Congress Do Its Job With EPA Ruling

Nicholas Fondacaro | June 30, 2022
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***The complete post is on NewsBusters***

In their final release of rulings for the session Thursday, the Supreme Court scored a massive blow to the unbridled, bureaucratic regulatory state. Once more, the Conservative Justices came together and ruled the infamous Environmental Protection Agency could not exercise unlimited executive authority and Congress needed to pass legislation allowing them to act. This caused outrage at ABC News Live where senior national correspondent Terry Moran whined that Congress was now expected to do their jobs.

“A significant decision on how the EPA is allowed to enforce restrictions to protect the environment,” anchor Whit Johnson announced after breaking in with the rulings. “Of course, profound implications.”

In his first comments on the ruling, Moran warned that “President Biden's authority [was] at stake” and he seemed stupefied by their reasoning for ruling against the EPA:

That is the kind of question that is so large, affects so much of the American economy, that it requires Congress to address it, and not an agency of the executive branch. And that, not only will affect climate change in a major way, but it will also have ripple effects right through the federal government. Because this is a landmark opinion saying, reviving the notion, that on big, big questions of national policy, the national legislature, Congress, must make the law, and the agencies executed.
