ABC Tries to Explain Away San Francisco's Sanctuary City Law: Don't Want People 'in Fear'

Scott Whitlock | July 6, 2015
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[See NewsBusters for more.] The shocking murder of a young woman in San Francisco by an illegal immigrant has, temporarily, provoked the liberal media into discussing crime by people who shouldn't be in America. Kathryn Steinle, 32, was killed by a Mexican who had seven felony convictions and had been deported five times. This resulted in extensive coverage on ABC, CBS and NBC from Friday through Monday. Yet, the same networks also kept Donald Trump and his "controversial" comments on immigration in the story. Some reports wrapped the two stories together, including reporter Mark Albert on the July 4 CBS Evening News: "Trump has made a string of inflammatory comments about Mexican immigrants... The comments have cost him." (The Republican candidate tweeted his response to the murder.)