ABC Presents Glowing Profile to "Firebrand" Elizabeth Warren

Rich Noyes | April 22, 2014
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The April 21 edition of ABC's World News featured a glowing profile of ultra-liberal Senator Elizabeth Warren, whom ABC dubbed a "firebrand...fighting for the middle class."

Anchor Diane Sawyer: “Back here at home, a firebrand is back in the news with a big alert for middle class Americans, the bedrock of the nation....”
Correspondent David Muir: “It’s long been part of the American dream. Families hoping to secure their spot in America’s cherished middle class. And she is the firebrand who’s made a name fighting for them.”
Clip of Senator Elizabeth Warren: “There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own.”...
Muir: “She says she’s not running for president, Diane, but she’s clearly campaigning for the middle class tonight.”