Climate Hustle

Craig Bannister | May 3, 2016
When critics trash a film, they’ve usually actually seen it – but, not ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel. So, the filmmaker of movie debunking climate hysteria is…
Craig Bannister | April 29, 2016
Leading climate activists are warning moviegoers to shun the May 2nd nationwide one-day theater screening of “Climate Hustle,” a new film debunking…
Craig Bannister | December 8, 2015
“Astrology and witchcraft” are the foundation of the climate agenda of Pres. Obama and the United Nations, the producer of the new film “Climate…
Craig Bannister | December 7, 2015
A climate skeptic explains how his red-carpet premiere in Paris of a film that debunks the "science" of climate alarmism is exposing the falsehoods…