Scarborough's Damning Indictment of Hillary's Email Mishandling of Classifed Material

MarkF | July 27, 2015
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It's a point of pride at Morning Joe that the show is unscripted. But in a notable deviation from that practice, Joe Scarborough clearly seemed to be reading off a teleprompter today as he promulgated a damning indictment of Hillary Clinton's mishandling of classified informtion on her private email system. Scarborough's statement was interspersed with clips of Hillary making statements about her email use that in light of the Inspector General statements seem clearly to be untrue.

Even more ominous for Hillary and her presidential ambitions was that none of Andrea Mitchell, Mark Halperin nor Ron Fournier--who claimed that as a former Arkansas resident he had probably voted more often for Clintons than any other journalist in DC--deigned to offer a defense of Hillary's actions.