The 'Woke' Bell Rings: Salvation Army Creates New 'Resource' To Educate Donors On Christian 'Racism'

P. Gardner Goldsmith | November 26, 2021

If you thought The Salvation Army was one of the few charitable organizations that stuck to its Christian tenets…

If you thought that your donation to the Salvation Army had nothing to do with the skin color of the person receiving the help, that your donation was colorblind, and embraced the Christian ideal of loving thy neighbor…

You might want to think again.

The S.A. just spent a lot of time creating a "reeducation-camp" style document for its donors, and it’s all about race.

Entitled “Let’s Talk About Racism”, this 67-page, online eye-catcher is the product of the equally woke S.A. creation, the “Social Justice Commission.”

Just something to remember when you hear the bell of a Salvation Army kettle outside a store. And you might recall donating last year, thinking your donation was going to directly help a person get clothing, or food, or a place to stay… Perhaps that wasn't what it funded.

That “Social Justice Commission” also has an icon on the S.A. website directly beside the organization’s icon for its “Take Action to End Gender-Based Violence” tie-in, directly connected to... the UN.

This is real, and it’s the Salvation Army.

And, to be sure, this MRCTV piece about the S.A.’s new “positioning” is not a cheer for violence or racism – of course. This piece is a report to inform, and to ask a few fundamental questions.

For example, if Salvation Army is a Christian organization, isn’t the Christian tenet of opposition to aggressive violence enough to encompass “Gender-Based Violence” – or is there some distinction about which none of us has been aware?

On a similar line of thinking, as James Samson observes for Red Voice Media, why does the “Let’s Talk About Racism” publication drag us through the following?

This ‘resource’ states that because Christianity is inherently racist, white Christians owe ‘a sincere apology’ to blacks for being ‘antagonistic…to black people or the culture, values and interests of the black community.’


So, remember. If any Christian ever broke the Christian tenets and harmed a black person or the “culture, values and interests of the black community”, it’s not the person who is at fault.

And, heck, it’s not racist IN ANY WAY to claim that everyone with a certain color skin is part of the same “culture,” with the same “values,” and is part of a “community.” Nope. It’s not racist to claim that one’s values and interests are determined by one’s skin.

Or is it?

One thing is for certain, it is absurd and revolting to claim that anyone, Christian or otherwise – is responsible for the crimes of another. This is made even more absurd by contemporary “woke” leftists who make this idiocy go into generational territory, even to the point of claiming that peaceful, charitable Christians are guilty of doing things that run contrary to Christian belief.


This is not an honest approach to individual responsibility, to history, or to the Word of God as expressed by Christ.

It’s a dark path. A path down which the Salvation Army should never tread, and away from which one hopes they will turn – immediately.

The donors to the organization will hear about this.

One wonders how they will respond.


Related: Aaron Rodgers Blasts Woke, PC Cancel Culture For Silencing People | MRCTV