‘WHEEE!’: Media Gets Demented On DeSantis– ‘Factual’ Reports From An ‘Authoritarian’ Future

Eric Scheiner | March 17, 2023
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In this week’s Wacky Moments of Leftist Extremism:

MSNBC has been spewing red-hot hate of Ron DeSantis for years now. But it's gotten so silly that Joe Scarborough is now mocking the Florida governor for his throwing motion during a playing-catch interview with Fox News host Brian Kilmeade. Scarborough squealed "wheee" no fewer 11 than times.

CNN had climate correspondent Bill Weir on the morning show to slam fossil fuels and promote his climate series. “He made the trek south as scientists announce the Antarctic Sea ice hit record lows for the second time in two years,”  Poppy Harlow said. Weir is the kind of self-parodying climate correspondent that doesn’t see the irony in lamenting fossil fuel use and flying 6,600 miles for a TV show.

The Washington Post decided to focus on the climate damage being caused by moose. The rag published a piece titled: 'Hungry Moose Fingered as Possible Factor in Climate Change,' focusing on how the animal eats so many trees that would be reducing carbon if not being chewed on.

Related: Leftist Media: Antifa Violence Is Just ‘Foolishness’ – Tucker’s Show ‘Should Be Against The Law’

Monday’s The Late Show on CBS featured former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki promoting her new MSNBC show by telling host Stephen Colbert that MSNBC has “a very high standard of what is factual.” That line is the funniest thing that has been said on Colbert in ages.



For a glimpse of these moment of media insanity watch the video above.

A complete rundown of leftist media insanity can be found at NewsBusters.


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