WATCH: The Presidential Candidates Cast Their Votes

Monica Sanchez | November 8, 2016

(Image via Twitter)

After a contentious election cycle, the two major presidential candidates finally cast their ballots.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and her Republican rival Donald Trump both voted in New York Tuesday morning.

Alongside her husband Bill, Hillary went to an election center in Chappaqua to cast her vote.

Her running mate Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine voted in Richmond soon as his polling site opened at 6 a.m. 

Kaine wanted to be the first one in line to cast a ballot but a 99-year-old woman beat him to the punch. 

Trump and his wife Melania voted on the Upper East Side in New York City.

His running mate Indiana Gov. Mike Pence voted with his wife in Indianapolis.

Now the two major candidates must wait as voters go to the polls and choose who they want in the White House come 2017. 

MRCTV will be covering Election Night live as the results roll in. Stay tuned!