Watch Armed Security Lead Sen. Sanders To Gun Control Event

Eric Scheiner | March 16, 2018

Students demanding more gun control were exuberant to see Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) come speak to them. Fortunately, he had his armed guards to lead him through the crowd.

As you can see in the video below, many protesting students in Washington D.C. Wednesday, walked out of class and straight into rapture at the sight of Sen. Sanders, but they may have missed the lesson in safety as the armed Capitol police officers cleared his path.

“The time is now for all of us together, to stand up to the NRA,” Sanders said.

It must be easy to stand up, when you can lean on the shoulder of your armed security.

The officers can clearly be seen in the C-Span video. If there way really any question as to if they were armed, images taken from Sen. Sanders Facebook video and reported by the Daily Caller, show the holstered weapons.

H/t Daily Caller.