VIDEO: Why Does Hair Matter So Much in Politics?

Monica Sanchez | October 6, 2015

Politicians micromanage everything from their body language to their looks. 

They need to find the perfect balance between professional and approachable, not only in what they communicate verbally, but also in what they say nonverbally.

Often, politicians conduct polls on their appearance – how they might be better received by voters based on certain hairstyles, the colors they wear, and so on.

“It’s important for a [person] to be presidential, but also somebody the people can identity [with],” said former hairstylist for Bill Clinton while president, Cristophe.

In the video below, listen to Cristophe explain why he thinks hair matters so much in politics.

According to the Beverly Hills and Washington, D.C. hairstylist, for our nation’s leaders, the key to finding the right hairstyle is narrowing down what is “easy to recreate and maintain,” convenient enough to keep up on the go.