VIDEO: Is the Term 'Anchor Baby' Offensive?

danjoseph | August 27, 2015

Several Republican presidential candidates have used the term "anchor babies" to describe the children of illegal immigrants who cross the border specifically to have their child in the U.S. - which automatically makes the baby an American citizen, "anchoring" the illegal alien parents.

Predictably, liberals deemed the usage of the term racist and offensive to Latinos.  Because, as we know, liberals will claim that they are offended by anything as long as it promotes their agenda. 

But do Americans agree that the term "anchor baby" is derogatory?

MRCTV traveled to the National Mall and asked Americans whether they found the term offensive and what they thought of those who cross our border specifically to have their children in this country. 

Most thought it wasn't offensive, even if they didn't particularly care for the term. And, one women with first-hand experience who had worked in a border hospital, described the anchor baby process in graphic detail:

“Oh, anchor baby, well, I guess you’re talking to the wrong couple because we’re from San Diego, which is 20 miles from the Mexican border.”

“I worked at the University of California Medical Center, which is right by the border in San Diego, and women would come across the border in full-term labor and squat in the emergency room, just to have their baby born in the United States.”

Asked how often she saw this happen, she said, “Oh, a lot!”