Video: Tourist Becomes Legend Defending Himself Against Angry Mob

Ben Graham | August 26, 2015

Mohammed Fadel Dobbous, a Kuwait-born tourist visiting from his home in Ireland, was attacked with improvised weapons by a mob of belligerent shop owners while visiting Istanbul, Turkey. Against all odds, he comes out on top and social media is hailing him as a “hero.”

Dobbous was attempting to retrieve a bottle of water to purchase when he accidentally sent all of the bottles sprawling from their sanctuary within the refrigerator. The owner of said refrigerator was immediately enraged and began threatening Dobbous with a stick.

What the shopkeeper and his fellow Turks didn’t realize was that Dobbous was, in fact, a professional boxer. As the mob gathered, armed with stools and sticks, he squared off and began fighting to defend himself. He even hit one of the assailants so hard that he went unconscious briefly and was later seen getting sick on the sidelines. Ouch.

They should have been scared off when they saw that their cowardly blows were barely affecting the Kuwaiti man. He either parried the blows or shrugged them off. The fight was eventually squelched and Dobbous became a trending topic on Twitter. 

He’s basically a legend now.