U. of Helsinki Bestows Greta Thunberg WIth Honorary Doctorate In...Theology

Brittany M. Hughes | March 21, 2023
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In case there was any doubt that climate change is, in fact, the left’s religion, here’s one for you: the University of Helsinki has bestowed upon climate activist Greta Thunberg an honorary doctorate in…theology.

It’s true - well, the story is. The doctorate itself is about as made-up as Al Gore’s predictions that New York City would be covered in seaweed by now.

The 20-year-old professional protester took a few minutes away from staging arrests outside German coal mines to graciously accept the award given to her by the theology department at the 360-year-old Finnish school, one of about 30 such awards handed out this year. The degrees, which are the University’s highest recognition, will be ceremonially bestowed during the University of Helsinki’s Conferment Jubilee over the summer.

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Among the list of degree recipients were several decorated medical doctors, renowned researchers and professors, prominent attorneys, non-profit founders, and the president of Finland. Alongside Greta Thunberg’s name was listed simply “activist.”


It’s not the first honorary degree Thunberg’s been given since first making a name for herself by sneering at a bunch of self-flagellating bureaucrats and politicians during a UN conference back in 2019 as a then-16-year-old. Back in 2021, she was given two honorary degrees - Doctor of Science and Doctor of Laws - from the University of British Columbia.

Together, the rising pile of fake degrees will help fill in the education gap on Thunberg’s resume. Given her jet-setting around the world lecturing others about their carbon footprints, the climate activist has yet to earn an actual secondary degree from any university.

Then again, as any good climate alarmist knows, when you can just make stuff up, who needs reality?