Trump Says Both Parties ‘Will Be Thanking Me’ for Firing FBI Director Comey

Monica Sanchez | May 10, 2017

(Image via Twitter)

President Trump on Wednesday defended his stunning decision to fire FBI Director James Comey.

He wrote on Twitter that, “when things calm down,” both Republicans and Democrats will thank him for dismissing Comey.

“Comey lost the confidence of almost everyone in Washington, Republican and Democrat alike,” he tweeted. “When things calm down, they will be thanking me!”

He noted that when Comey made the controversial decision to reopen the Bureau’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails just days ahead of the 2016 election, Democrats wanted him fired.

“Now they play so sad!” wrote Trump, not-so subtly calling Democrats hypocrites. 

In response to Democratic New York Senator Chuck Schumer who during a press conference Tuesday night questioned the timing of Comey's firing, suggesting it may be “part of a cover up,” Trump called him “indignant.”

Democrats are claiming that Comey’s firing was an intentional move to interfere with the Bureau’s investigation into Russia's meddling in the 2016 election.

The media was quick to push Democratic talking points and suggest foul play. 

President Trump has called allegations of collusion between Russia and his campaign "a total hoax." 

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