Trump 'Hasn't Closed the Door' On an Assault Weapons Ban, WH Says

Monica Sanchez | February 20, 2018

The White House on Tuesday said that President Trump is open to expanding federal background checks for gun purchases and "hasn't closed the door" on an assault weapons ban. 

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders at Tuesday's press briefing said that Trump is open to making background checks “more efficient and looking at ways to improve that process.”

When asked whether Trump supports a ban on assault weapons in the wake of the Florida school shooting last week, Sanders replied, "I don't have any specific announcements but we haven't closed the door on any front.”

“That’s what the next several days and weeks will be, to have conversations and to see … what areas we can help make changes to and what places we can do better.”

She announced that the White House on Wednesday will be hosting parents, teachers and students in Washington, D.C., and persons who have been impacted by previous school shootings including Columbine “to discuss efforts to ensure safety of our schools.”

He will also sit down with state and local law enforcement officials and state governors to continue that conversation and "make sure incidents like this never happen again." 

She said that the President wants to hear ideas on gun control and ways to address the issue of mental illness. 

Sanders noted that one area of change will be bump stocks, as Trump “does not support use of those accessories.”

Sanders said that Americans can expect “action” on bump stocks “in the coming days.”

(Cover Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

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