Trump Doubles Down: ‘Not a Conspiracy Theory, Folks’ - 'Millions of People' Vote Illegally

Monica Sanchez | April 5, 2018

President Trump on Thursday doubled down on his controversial claim that “millions of people” vote illegally in U.S. elections.

Trump at a roundtable discussion on tax reform in Greenbrier County, W.Va., said that “millions and millions of people,” including immigrants, vote illegally “in many places” like California, which he suggested facilitates the fraud “because the state guards their records.”  

“In many places like California, the same person votes many times,” he said. “They always like to say, oh that’s a conspiracy theory. Not a conspiracy theory, folks.”

“Millions and millions of people … and it’s very hard because the state guards their records,” said Trump.  

Mr. Trump first made the claim after losing the popular vote to his former opponent Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election.  

“In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally,” he wrote in a tweet.

Check out his Thursday remarks below.