House Republicans Advance ‘Pregnant Students Rights Act’

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | January 10, 2024
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On Wednesday, House Republicans moved forward with the Pregnant Students’ Rights Act, a measure that would help protect students who deal with unplanned pregnancies.

The bill, introduced by Rep. Ashley Hinson (R-Iowa), would mandate that colleges explain rights and accommodations to women who are pregnant to help them recognize that there is a way to both have a child and continue their education. The bill aims to counter leftists' rhetoric that abortion is the only way for a pregnant woman to succeed in school. That’s not true, and that’s what House Republicans are trying to emphasize.

The bill indicates that around 30 percent of all of the abortions that take place in the United States are performed on women who are around college age (20-24). The bill hopes to change that statistic. 

According to the bill, colleges will be required to inform students about what rights and resources they’ll be given in the case that they get pregnant. Colleges would also have to provide accommodations and exceptions for pregnant female students, like missing class for prenatal doctors appointments, maternity leave, extra water and bathroom breaks, and information for other local resources. 

During the hearing Wednesday morning with the House Committee on Education & the Workforce, Representative Mary Miller (R-Ill.) noted that one goal of the bill was to facilitate a campus culture that values women's education and the sanctity of life. She charged, “Let's focus on building a future where a pregnant student can feel supported, informed, and empowered to continue her education while embracing the beautiful journey of bringing a child into the world,” during her testimony.

Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.) shared Miller’s sentiment when she kicked off the meeting.

“As for universities, it is their role to foster an environment of support and understanding, where pregnant students feel safe seeking guidance and assistance,” Foxx said before pointing out that oftentimes colleges don’t provide female students with a complete list of resources and accommodations available to them, explaining, “The Pregnant Students’ Rights act insures that universities are not withholding resources and information [about] carrying the baby to term, from pregnant students."

Related: 6 Lies From Ms. Magazine Bull S**T Piece on Pro-Life Movement

In a statement to the Washington Examiner, E.V. Osment, Vice President of Communications at Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, said  she wished she’d had this sort of support during college.

“Women should never feel pressured to abort their child for fear that they will not have the support they need to pursue higher education. I know this firsthand. I was not aware of resources available to me when I had my unplanned pregnancy in college. As a result, I dropped out until after my child was born,” she told the outlet.

Of course, pro-aborts weren't in favor of the bill, preferring that a woman simply kill her child instead of realizing she can succeed in both her education and as a mother. The Institute for Women’s Policy Research insisted that the policy is “nothing more than a thinly veiled anti-abortion law that fails to offer genuine support for pregnant students’ educational access.” Congresswoman Kathy Manning (D-N.C.) insisted that the act makes pregnant women an “afterthought” and suggested that if House Republicans were “serious about supporting students’ reproductive health, they'd focus on contraception, affordable child care, and maternal health in their legislation.”

Leave it to the libs to cause a fuss on something that aims to help women and children. SMH. 

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