Freaky Friday: ‘CBS Mornings’ Fawns Over Wayne Brady’s ‘Pansexual’ Identity

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | October 6, 2023
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It seriously boggles my mind that CBS Mornings is still a thing with the amount of garbage it pumps out on a daily basis. 

On CBS Mornings’ Friday segment, hosts fawned over game show host and performer Wayne Brady’s journey as a "pansexual" individual. The whole segment was essentially like getting slapped in the face with wokeness at every moment. 

The “Let’s Make a Deal” host, who’s also a five-time Emmy winner, recently came out as pansexual. As noted by CBS Mornings host, Nate Burleson, “The advocacy group GLAAD defines pansexual as ‘a person who has the capacity to form enduring physical, romantic, and/or emotional attractions to any person, regardless of gender identity.’” 


The segment then flipped to an interview with host Nischelle Turner on Entertainment Tonight.

“Wane Brady’s versatility is dazzling,” Turner began, “Yet the game show host with a megawatt smile has long struggled with anxiety and depression. Now, at the age of 51, Brady is coming to terms with his sexuality.”

Brady described his pan-ness as “being able to love whomever I want, no matter the vessel. I never spoke about it before because, you know, especially my generation, our generation, you were raised to suffer in silence. Whatever your truth is, you should be able to feel like you walk in that daily because that’s the only way to really be free.”

He really is a performer with all that dramatization!

Turner then asked why, being a private person, Brady felt the need to talk about his sexuality. He answered her by insisting that coming out as pansexual goes hand-in-hand with his mental health. 

“I’m saying it is very possible for me to be attracted to the man because of the person,” Brady commented adding, “and I can be attracted to this beautiful woman like you because of the person. But then again, there may be a non-binary person and I’m free to do that.”

So essentially, he likes everybody and nobody at the same time. Cue the“Hide Your Kids” song.

Turner, who is also supposedly Brady’s friend, said she “was a little scared” for him when he told her he was pansexual.

“I do know that society will put people in a box,” she said, alluding to those of us who follow traditional and normal dating and gender “truths” and think Brady’s sexuality debacle is nuts. 

Brady insisted his coming out story is about “speaking my truth.” 

Our society has become so narcissistic. We aren’t supposed to be living lives dictating our own “truths.” That’s the first thing Brady needs to realize. 

Turner mentioned that Brady’s struggled a lot with being in relationships, but noted how “light” and “free” he appears to be after pronouncing his newfound sexuality. 

Brady did mention that “coming out as pansexual still doesn’t stop me from being the dopest host on TV and doing what I do. Still doesn’t stop me from being AMAZING at my jobs.”

He seems so humble. 

But that’s just the thing. Brady wanted attention. He was bad at relationships because he had trust issues so he thought, a way to solve that and help his anxiety and depression is to develop this delusional sense of sexuality. Yet he's still not completely satisfied. It's almost like woeness doesn't solve issues.

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Nonetheless, Turner and Burleson who hopped back into the segment were fawning over Brady’s revelation. 

“You know I have known Wayne for a very long time and I can attest that there is an ease about him now that was not there before,” Turner said before boosting some of Brady’s upcoming work and projects. 

Burleson asked, “Nischelle, does he seem happier than he’s ever been?”

Here’s how she answered to close out the segment:

He does. He definitely seems lighter and one of the things he said to me was, if he now can go into relationships, to friendships, he can be his authentic self. He doesn’t have any secrets anymore. There’s nothing else to hide. He can just present himself as Wayne Brady the man, and people with either love or not love him for who he is.

But as we all know, these delusions only last so long. When Brady realizes how confused he is and how he sought his identity in a delusion, albeit that artificial happiness will expire. 

CBS Mornings, stop waisting air time. 

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