Taxpayer-Funded NPR Gets Weird and Wild During Bizarre ‘Queer’ Sex Ed Segment

Patrick Taylor | July 8, 2022
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National Public Radio (NPR), usually known for their snobbish, “educated” audience, seems to be attempting to broaden their appeal by covering literal smut.

On Monday, NPR hosted Mexican “sexuality educator” Milena Gioconda Davis (also known by her stage name Milena Gaze). Gioconda Davis founded and performs at a venue called “Vulgar” in Mexico City.

Gioconda Davis, alongside hosts Leila Fadel and Lilly Quiroz, delved into a range of graphic and otherwise objectionable subjects during the bizarre Fourth of July segment. Buckle up, folks — things get pretty weird, but NPR assures us it’s all in the name of education.

“Before we dive in, you should know that the takeaways we're going to cover here can apply to anyone, no matter what your identity is,” Quiroz said, beginning the dialogue. “So what is sex? Well, it's sort of whatever you want it to be. Let's first debunk the obviously false notion that sex can only be heterosexual or involve intercourse.”

She later advised listeners, “Know that there isn't a singular or right way to have sex. Sex can be whatever brings you pleasure.”

Gioconda Davis jumped in with her thoughts as well.

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“For me, it would be, like, pleasure-oriented experiences or interactions that involve some sort of arousal,” she told Quiroz. “You know, that doesn't mean that it has to end in orgasm.”

Quiroz added:

All right, y'all. Our second takeaway is, get to know your body and discover what pleasure feels like to you. So why do we even have sex? Well, for one reason, many of us enjoy the pleasure it gives us, right? And one of the best parts about it is that we can access a lot of that pleasure on our own. So, set the mood, just like you might for someone you're interested in, and have a date night to yourself. Explore every inch of your body.

Very substantive stuff, right? NPR’s crew probably needs a cold shower.

Things went from uncomfortable to seriously disturbing when another “sexuality educator,” Ericka Hart, joined the conversation.

“Young people should know all of their genitals,” Hart explained.

Quiroz concurred, adding that for young people, “exploring your anatomy - how it looks, how it feels and how it functions - will get you one step closer to understanding your sexual needs and wants.”

The hosts also made it known that they aren’t big fans of Florida’s Parental Rights in Education law, incorrectly known as the “Don’t Say Gay” bill. Fadel suggested that the Florida law was part of a larger effort “to restrict the rights of LGBTQ youth” and warned that it “could affect what students are taught in sex education.”

Another thing that this gaggle of NPR degenerates has a problem with? The stigma surrounding sexually transmitted diseases.

“I think the biggest [misconception] is that STIs make you dirty, which is just a terrible lie,” Giocanda Davis claimed, “And also, I think the other one is, like, if you get an STI, your sex life is over. Like, no - most STIs are curable or treatable, and it doesn't have to be, like, this mark of shame.”

This is what passes for journalism in the United States of America in 2022. And I’m sure glad John Q. Public has to foot the bill.


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