‘Tax Money To Fund Candidates’ - Hans von Spakovsky Breaks Down The 'For The People' Act

Jessica Kramer | March 25, 2021

One of the most radical pieces of legislation the left has pushed since President Joe Biden took office is the so-called “For the People Act” of 2021. 

The 800-page measure would be a complete over-haul to current election laws and is a Democrat's electoral dream. 


Having just passed in the House by party line vote, it is headed to the Senate, and if passes, will most definitely be signed into law by President Biden (if not, Kamala Harris), despite probable court challenges. 

Related: 20 State Attorneys General Warn Congress Over Their Unconstitutional Federal Power-Grab Over Voting

The Heritage Foundation's Hans von Spakovsky, an election expert, breaks down the possible impact of the measure with MRCTV's Jessica Kramer.

For more details watch the video above.