Student Senator at American University Dubs White Students an 'Invasive Species' On Campus

Brittany M. Hughes | February 24, 2021

A student government member at American University declared white students are an “invasive species” that reflect “settler colonialism” whenever they come back to their D.C. campus and “displace” the city’s otherwise heavily black population.

And not only was freshman Kayla Kelly, an AU student government senator, permitted to openly spew this vile, racism garbage, she was allowed to publish it in an op-ed in the school’s student newspaper.

“The large influx of predominantly affluent white students into D.C.’s ‘chocolate city,’ a term that refers to its large population of Black citizens, could evoke similar effects of settler colonialism and negatively impact the community,” freshman Kayla Kelly wrote in The Eagle, referring to white students coming back to campus as the school opens back up for in-person learning after nearly a year of going virtual due to the COVID pandemic. So far, the school has invited roughly 1,250 students back to campus.

And according to Kelly, that includes the “invasive species” also known as white people.

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“Settler colonialism is a form of colonialism that replaces the original population with a new invasive species. The settler system takes over the space, resources and culture of the environment it encompasses, displacing the original population,” she said. 

Kelly complains white students will begin patronizing area stores and malls, essentially taking resources from the city’s black residents who live there year-round, and that white students will bring new COVID cases and further spread the disease among the local population.

"The coronavirus pandemic is just as much an issue of racial justice as it is of public health, and it seems hypocritical of students and the administration to advocate for Black lives yet place them further at risk with this initiative," Kelly writes, adding, "A number of students are likely not planning to give back to the communities that they reside in and will buy out stock at stores and malls, making the resources in those communities limited. The rash behavior stems from growing tired of living at home and acting out in rebellion due to this newfound freedom."

Of course, one doesn't need to wonder how it would have been received had a white student complained about the return of black students - or students of any other race - and dubbed them an "invasive species" that detrimentally impacted the locals.

Which, of course, would have been abjectly racist and vile. Just like this.