Stephen A. Smith: Trump Is Not 'Racist'

John Simmons | April 12, 2023
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Stephen A. Smith was speaking at the Semafor Media Summit on Monday, and he actually said something favorable about Donald Trump. 

I know it’s hard to believe, but it's true.

The topic of the 45th president came up at the summit in a Q/A period, and Smith used the time to say that, contrary to the alt-left media’s narrative, Trump is not racist. In fact, Smith went so far as to say that he enjoyed Trump’s company before he announced his presidential run in 2015.

“He used to throw a lot of events at — you know — at his casinos and stuff like that, and I genuinely liked him,” the ESPN talker insisted.

Despite all the outlandish things that Smith has said in the past, it is encouraging to know that there is a logical side to the ESPN personality’s brain. Unfortunately, we don’t get to see it that often.

This is not the first time Smith has come to the defense of Trump. In 2017, he called for Black Americans to not criticize Black leaders who voted for Trump. Instead, he asked the Black community to not react emotionally and respect the decision of those who did.

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