'Siri' 'Corrects' People Who Call Bruce Jenner 'Bruce'

ashley.rae | July 16, 2015

The iPhone digital personal assistant, Siri, “corrects” individuals who ask questions about Bruce Jenner.

When asked about Bruce Jenner, Siri will respond by referring to Bruce Jenner as Caitlyn Jenner.

Asking Siri, “How tall is Bruce Jenner?” will receive the response, “Caitlyn Jenner is 6’2’.”

When presented with the question, “What is Bruce Jenner’s real name?” Siri replies by stating, “The full name of Caitlyn Jenner is Caitlyn Jenner.”

Siri’s answer to the controversial, “What gender is Bruce Jenner?” is “The answer is female.”

There are still some problems with the implementation, Time reports. Asking questions about Bruce Jenner’s sports history will prompt Siri to browse the web for answers related to Bruce, not Caitlyn.

The move by Apple was first documented on Tumblr.