Santorum Asks GOP Opponents: ‘Why are You Running for President as a REPUBLICAN?’

ashley.rae | September 25, 2015

Rick Santorum called out some of his fellow Republican presidential contenders for not standing up in defense of traditional marriage during his speech at the Values Voter Summit on Friday.

In his speech, Santorum said, “There are a lot of people who are going to come up here and ask you for your support. And they’re going to tell you that they’re with you. Here’s what I would say: Have you been disappointed enough by people who promise you things and don’t deliver? Have you seen folks that you thought were with you, and then you realized when it got tough, they weren’t willing to get into the trenches and fight?”

“Here’s what I would say: You know one person in this race who is always willing to fight for life, always willing to fight for the family,” Santorum stated.

 “A lot of people come up here and tell you they’re for marriage. But you know what? Ten of the fourteen Republican candidates have said this: ‘Oh, well, it’s the law of the land. It’s time to move on,’” Santorum said. “Really? We have a United States Supreme Court, that according to several of the justices on that court, in the dissent, acted unconstitutionally.”

An enthusiastic individual responded to Santorum’s remark by shouting, “That’s right! They did!” from the audience.

“'Oh, it’s time to move on’ when the court acts unconstitutionally. We have a United States Supreme Court who has directly assaulted the First Amendment of our Constitution. And ten of the fourteen candidates say, ‘Oh, it’s time to move on,’” Santorum repeated.

The crowd yelled back, “No!”

“We have a United States Supreme Court that says marriage has nothing to do with children,” Santorum told the audience as they laughed. “That marriage is about adults. And ten out of the fourteen Republican candidates say it’s time to move on.”

A few people shouted, “No!”

 “If you’re not willing to fight for the Constitution, for the First Amendment, and for the American family, why are you running for president as a Republican?” Santorum asked.