Sanders Compares Trump To Franken, Calls For President to Resign

Eric Scheiner | December 14, 2017

Now that Sen. Al Franken has started the process of resigning (“in the coming weeks”), former Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) says President Donald Trump should follow suit.

“Yes, I do think he should resign,” Sanders told CNN’s Anderson Cooper Wednesday night.

“You know, when Al Franken announced that he was going to resign – I was asked on a TV show my view and I said - look, Franken apologized for what he did. What he did was inappropriate, he apologized for it and then he said I think I have to resign.”

 “You’ve got a president who has been accused by many, many women of harassment, to say the least. This is a guy who was on a tape seen by everybody in America essentially bragging about his sexual assault of women. Do I think under those considerations of Al Franken resigning, do I think the President should resign? I do. Do I think he will? I don’t,” Sanders said.

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), Sen. Ron Wyden (D- Ore.), Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) and Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) are among the Democratic senators that have called for President Trump to resign from the oval office.

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders has said that the allegations took place "long before he was elected president" and that Trump has "addressed these accusations directly and denied all of these allegations."

Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) is still a current sitting member of the U.S. Senate at the time of publication.

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