Rules for Thee: Dem Lawmakers in California Dine Together Hours After Socially Distant Ceremony

Nick Kangadis | December 8, 2020

All these California lawmakers don’t seem to understand the concept of hypocrisy. People aren’t necessarily upset with them over their having dinners together. They’re upset that these lawmakers dictate their draconian pandemic measures and then seem to be some of the only people who consistently violating them.

It happened…again.

Five California State Assembly members dined together on Monday mere hours after using a swearing-in session that saw their ceremony move from the State Capitol building over to an arena meant to house NBA games and other large-scale events. The move was reportedly done so that “lawmakers were appropriately spaced,” according to The Sacramento Bee.

The Sacramento Bee reported:

Just hours later, however, five California state Assembly members dined together outside at a Sacramento restaurant.

Assembly members Adrin Nazarian, D-West Toluca Lake, Chad Mayes, I-Rancho Mirage, Tasha Boerner Horvath, D-Encinitas, Marc Levine, D-Marin County, and Chris Ward, D-San Diego, along with Mayes’ fiancée, attended a dinner Monday evening at Maydoon, a newer restaurant in Sacramento’s Midtown neighborhood.

A reporter for the Bee asked Nazarian about “their decision to enjoy a multi-household outing,” to which Nazarian replied, “Can we not have dinner?”

They can absolutely have dinner and “support local business,” as fellow diner Levine said. But when they place restrictions on their constituents — the people who put them where they currently are in life — they can’t do the exact thing they’re dictating to them not to do. Basically, you can't tell people - especially Americans - that they can't enjoy dinners or the holidays with friends or even members of their own family who live in a different household if you're going to neglect your own edicts.

It’s not the dinner. It’s the hypocrisy. And apparently, lawmakers simply can’t grasp that. How do we know? Because they keep violating their own orders over and over and over.

Notice anything else? Besides the one "independent" lawmaker who participated in the dinner, the rest all reside on the left. Champagne socialism at its finest.