RNC: We Used ‘StopHillary’ as Wi-Fi Password to Send Mainstream Media a Message

Monica Sanchez | November 10, 2015

Reporters attending Tuesday’s GOP primary debate in Milwaukee, WI were forced to type “StopHillary” in order to gain access to the building’s Wi-Fi.

Many took to Twitter to air their frustrations against the Republican National Committee for choosing that specific password.

The RNC released a statement explaining their decision:

“Earlier this week, RNC Chairman Reince Preibus criticized the media’s double-standard for conservatives,” the RNC writes, “saying ‘The fact is we kind of wish the media would be just as obsessed of half obsessed with Hillary Clinton’s lies of many years about real, relevant things…’

“Time will tell whether they will take our advice, but for one brief moment, members of the press didn’t have a choice.

“To get Wifi access, members of the press filing stories from the GOP debate in the Milwaukee Theater must type 'StopHillary,'" the RNC continues. 

“Think they got the message?”