Pro-Abortion Billboard Vandals Inadvertently Make the Pro-Life Message More Powerful

Ferlon Webster Jr. | September 9, 2019

Pro-abortion advocates vandalized a pro-life billboard on Chicago’s north side earlier this month and inadvertently made the message even more powerful.

The original billboard shows a sleeping baby with the words, “A baby is a baby! Born and unborn," alongside the message, “Heartbeat 18 days from conception.” But last week, the billboard was vandalized with black spray paint.

Pro-Life Action League Executive Director Eric J. Scheidler shared a photo of the defaced image on Facebook saying it was brought to his attention after his group made a tour stop in the city.

“Last week, the Pro-Life Action League held a 'Face the Truth' tour stop at Fullerton and Ashland in Chicago,” Scheidler wrote. “When we arrived, we were delighted to discover a beautiful pro-life billboard looking down on us. Well, some time after that Tour stop, the billboard was vandalized. (Thanks to Mary Hallan FioRito for the tip about this attack on pro-life free speech!).”

The angry vandals crossed out the word “unborn” and spray-painted over the phone number someone would call if they were seeking help. But the most notable action they took was rather ironic, spray painting right over the top of the image of the sleeping baby with the words: “My Body My Choice.”

All along, pro-life advocates have been trying to show abortion supporters that a baby, whether in the womb or out, has its own body and that we shouldn’t neglect its right to choose — its right to life. And finally, pro-abortion advocates are agreeing with them — albeit inadvertently, but still.

It’s interesting how a “bad” event can turn out to be pretty positive in the long run. 

H/T: Life Site News