Pro-Abort Leftists March To Alito’s Home

Jessica Kramer | May 10, 2022
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Monday night protesters gathered at a Walgreens parking lot in Alexandria, Virginia to march to Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s house.  It is not known if Alito was even home at the time.

Before the march began protest leaders warned participants not to speak with conservative news outlets. So getting any rationale for the actions of the participants in the event was difficult.

A group in all black, who many assumed were antifa were also in attendance. While marchers chanted using profane language and sexual inuendo, a home on the street played “Jesus, Jesus, Precious Jesus” on the piano.

Perhaps the protestors were unfamiliar with the song.


Police were on the scene blocking traffic and standing guard outside Alito's home, keeping the protestors some distance away.

Related: Leftist SCOTUS Protesters: 'Keep God Out My P***y'

During the “rally” near Alito’s house, protesters shouted, “Stop forcing people to have a child they don’t f**king want.” Likely not realizing this admission proves they know it’s a baby – it’s that they just don’t care.

In some ways lack of self-awareness became a recurring theme of the evening. One member dressed in all black actually shouted “This is genocide!”

Yes, abortion certainly is.