President Trump Praises God ‘For How Truly Blessed We Are to Be American’

Monica Sanchez | February 8, 2018

Trump speaks at National Prayer Breakfast

(Cover Photo: Screenshot)

President Trump on Thursday spoke at the annual National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C.  

During his remarks, Trump praised God “for how truly blessed we are to be American.”

He called America “a nation of believers" and said that the nation is "strengthened by the power of prayer." 

"Faith is central to American life and to liberty," said Trump. 

The President added that God's grace could be found in daily “acts of kindness, courage, and generosity” in “every city and town” across the nation.

“Across the land we see the splendor of God’s creation … and in every city and town we see the Lord’s grace all around us through a million acts of kindness, courage, and generosity,” said Trump, citing the military, law enforcement, and teachers for their service in their communities.

He praised first responders and citizens who put themselves in harm’s way to help victims of hurricanes, wildfires and mass shootings, saying that “their selfless deeds reveal the beauty and goodness of the human soul.”

Trump again vowed to protect religious liberty at home and abroad. 

"When Americans are able to live by their convictions to speak openly of their faith and to teach their children what is right, our families thrive, our communities flourish, and our nation can achieve anything at all," he said.

"Much work will always remain,” he continued, “but we will never rest until that job is completely done and we are really doing it like never before.”

Trump touted his administration’s success in the fight against ISIS. He went on to say that the U.S. “stands with all people suffering oppression and religious persecution,” including Christians who suffer under “repressive and brutal regimes” such as Iran, Cuba, Venezuela and North Korea.    

President Trump struck a solemn tone at the event, emphasizing how the Founders understood that "our rights are not given by man" and that "no matter what, no earthly force can take those away."

He called on Americans to "resolve to find the best within ourselves."

"Let us pray for that extra measure of strength and that extra measure of devotion," said Trump. "And let us seek to build a more just and peaceful world, where every child can grow up without violence, worship without fear, and reach their God-given potential."


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