Poll: 'Identical Numbers for Top 5 Contenders' in GOP Race, 'A Scrambled Field'

Monica Sanchez | May 28, 2015

According to a Quinnipiac University National poll released Thursday morning, there are five “leaders” among GOP candidates in the 2016 White House race, but they're not leading by much. 

With 10 percent each are former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Dr. Ben Carson, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, Sen. Marco Rubio, and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker.

Rounding out the top 10 are Sen. Rand Paul with seven percent, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz at six percent, Donald Trump at five percent, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie at four percent, and Carly Fiorina and John Kasich at two percent each.

About 20 percent of voters were undecided, unlike last month's national poll with 14 undecided and Sen. Rubio as the clear leader of the pack with 15 percent.

"Safe to say, the 2016 Republican presidential primary is anyone's race,"  said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll. 

"With no front-runner and identical numbers for the top five contenders, it's a horserace which can only be described as a scrambled field - at least so far," he argued. 

Hillary Clinton continues to dominate the Democratic field with 57 percent, a slight drop from her 60 percent back in April. Far behind stand Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders with 15 percent and Vice President Joe Biden with nine percent. No other candidate tops one percent and 14 percent were undecided.

Despite the fact that 39-53 percent of American voters say the former Secretary of State is "not honest and trustworthy" and 47-48 percent are divided over whether she “cares about their needs and problems,” Mrs. Clinton leads top Republicans in a general election matchup by over 40 percent each.

The poll shows Hillary Clinton leading by: 

  • 46 - 42 percent over Paul;
  • 45 - 41 percent over Rubio;
  • 46 - 37 percent over Christie;
  • 47 - 40 percent over Huckabee;
  • 47 - 37 percent over Bush;
  • 46 - 38 percent over Walker;
  • 48 - 37 percent over Cruz;
  • 50 - 32 percent over Trump.

In an interesting statement coming from the assistant director of the independent national poll: 

"Can you get low marks on honesty and still be a strong leader? Sure you can," Malloy said.

"Hillary Clinton crushes her democratic rivals and keeps the GOP hoard at arm's length."