Playboy Opposes Trump Transgender Troop Ban Because ‘Trans Rights Are Human Rights’

ashley.rae | July 31, 2017

Playboy magazine has taken a break from publishing naked photos and shaming singers for their “toxic masculinity” to defend transgender people in the military.

In a tweet on July 26, the same day President Trump announced his plan to ban transgender people from serving in the military, Playboy shared their support for trans people by declaring, “trans rights are human rights”:

Indeed, being able to serve in the U.S. military is apparently on par with other “human rights” such as the “human right” to a $15 minimum wage, the “human right” to health care, and the “human right” to internet access.

Not to be outdone by Playboy’s show of support, pornographic competitor Hustler praised Playboy for “standing up for #ALLHUMANS”:

Playboy had its first transgender model, Caroline Cossey, pose in 1981. However, Cossey was not “outed” as being transgender until after the photoshoot. In a subsequent interview on the appearance, Cossey said the Playboy appearance was to “prove that people like myself can be sexy and attractive.”

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