Philly City Council To Vote on Ban on Bulletproof Glass Inside Stores

ashley.rae | December 13, 2017

The city council in Philadelphia will be voting on a controversial measure on Thursday that would ban liquor stores and other small businesses from placing bulletproof glass inside their stores.

Fox 29 reports the “Stop and Go” bill, proposed by City Councilwoman Cindy Bass, will fight the “indignity” of customers having to talk to cashiers through bulletproof glass when they’re purchasing items or being served food.

Bass told Fox 29, “Right now, I think the Plexiglas has to come down. We want to make sure that there isn’t this sort of indignity, in my opinion, to serving food through a Plexiglas only in certain neighborhoods.”

The measure has been met with resistance from members of the Korean business-owning community.

Rich Kim, who owns a deli in Philadelphia, told Fox 29, “The most important thing is our safety and the public safety.”

“If the glass comes down, the crime rate will rise and there will be a lot of dead bodies,” Kim warned.

According to another report by Fox 29, “many” of the 230 Asian food and liquor store owners feel attacked by the measure.

Mike Choe, who runs an organization to fight on behalf on Korean store owners, reportedly attempted to raise $100,000 to fight the “Stop and Go” bill. He said he believes the bill will "endanger Korean-Americans."

Bass said the bill “absolutely does not” target Koreans.

“I can tell you I can find that offensive,” she said.

The bill, which recently passed the Public Health and Human Services Committee, will be voted on by the full committee on Thursday.

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