Pelosi Believes and Reads False Account About Declaration of Independence Signers

Nick Kangadis | July 19, 2017

So many stupid comments, so little time.

As noted by the Washington Free Beacon, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) tried to get all deep on Tuesday during a Democratic event by invoking the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence.

Only Pelosi referenced an essay called “The Price They Paid,” which had already been debunked by the liberal fact checker Snopes in 2005.

Pelosi was attempting to speak about voter rights, which is rich coming from a California liberal.

“Did you ever wonder what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence?” Pelosi began.

From there, the questionably sane Pelosi began listing off what the debunked essay said happened to some of the signers of one of the United States’ founding documents. Pelosi read the essay word for word as if it were some sort of historical document.

One example of one of the untruths told in the essay and verbalized through the suddenly patriotic Pelosi; “Five signers were captured by the British as traitors and tortured before they died.”


According to Snopes:

It is true that five signers of the Declaration of Independence were captured by the British during the course of the Revolutionary War. However, none of them died while a prisoner, and four of them were taken into custody not because they were considered “traitors” due to their status as signatories to that document, but because they were captured as prisoners of war while actively engaged in military operations against the British.

Pelosi read most of the short essay of which certain points were described as “gross exaggerations” by Snopes.

Even enlightened intellectuals like Pelosi need to learn that you can’t trust everything you read on the internet.

For video of Pelosi’s “speech,” watch below:

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