Obama: 'I Have More Diverse Sources of Information' than Fox News, Limbaugh

Craig Bannister | October 14, 2016

“If I watched Fox News, I wouldn’t vote for me,” Pres. Obama told attendees at a Democratic Party dinner in Columbus, Ohio Thursday. “If I was listening to Rush Limbaugh, I’d say, ‘Man, that’s terrible,’” Obama added.

“Fortunately, I have more diverse sources of information,” Obama declared.

Obama failed to name his information sources – but, if they’re “diverse,” they must not be the likes of MSNBC, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, etc. – so, where, exactly, IS he getting his news?

Obama accused talk radio of parroting conspiracy theories promoted by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump:

“But so the problem is not that all Republicans think the way this guy does.  The problem is, is that they’ve been riding this tiger for a long time.  They’ve been feeding their base all kinds of crazy for years primarily for political expedience.  So if Trump was running around saying I wasn’t born here, they were okay with that as long as it helped them with votes.  If some of these folks on talk radio started talking about how I was the anti-Christ, you know, it's just politics. You think I'm joking."

Obama said that military exercises in Texas had led to conspiracy theories that he was going to declare martial law there, That’s when Obama took his shot at Fox News and Rush Limbaugh:

“But, they took it seriously.

“This is in the swamp of crazy that has been fed over and over and over and over again. Look, I -- and there’s sort of a spectrum, right -- it's a whole kind of ecosystem.  And look, if I watched Fox News I wouldn't vote for me. I understand.  If I was listening to Rush Limbaugh, I'd say, man, that's terrible. Fortunately, I have more diverse sources of information.”

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