Obama Boasted of Stealing Ideas 'Liberally' from Obamacare Architect Gruber

Craig Bannister | November 18, 2014

Today, Pres. Obama is dismissing controversial Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber as just “some adviser” who never worked for him. But, in 2006, he boasted of stealing ideas “liberally” from Gruber.

In a April 5, 2006 event at the Brookings Institution entitled “Restoring America’s Promise of Opportunity, Prosperity and Growth,” Obama called Gruber one of “the brightest minds” – from whom he had “stolen ideas”:

"You have already drawn some of the brightest minds from academia and policy circles, many of them I have stolen ideas from liberally, people ranging from Robert Gordon to Austan Goolsbee; Jon Gruber; my dear friend, Jim Wallis here, who can inform what are sometimes dry policy debates with a prophetic voice."

Gruber, who helped craft the president’s health care law, has been in the headlines lately because of his comments about the “stupidity” of the American people who were duped into supporting Obamacare.