Nothing To See, Here: Voting Machines Go Down In Mercer County, NJ

Brittany M. Hughes | November 8, 2022
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If there’s one thing that you'd think would be at least a little important heading into Election Day, it’s making sure the voting machines are…you know…working.

But that seems to be a task just a little too hard in some counties, where reported problems with voting machines are rolling in as voters head to the polls to get their ballots in before closing time Tuesday.

In Mercer County, New Jersey, which voted overwhelming in favor of Joe Biden in 2020 by a factor of nearly 2.5 to 1 over Donald Trump, voting machines went down in every single district across the county early Tuesday. The West Windsor Township informed voters that they could still report to their local polling station, fill out a standard paper ballot, then place that ballot in the slot on top of the machine for it to be manually counted. 

Where nothing at all can go wrong, I'm sure.

Related: Maricopa County?! AGAIN?! Already Problems with Voting Machines in Arizona, Phoenix Included

Voting machines also reportedly began glitching in Maricopa County, Arizona Tuesday morning, where one voting box stopped working entirely and another was misreading about 25% of the ballots. Instead, voters are being asked to hand in their ballot to be re-run or hand-counted somewhere downtown.