Not Enough 'Kink' - NYT Reviews 'The Little Mermaid'

Sarah Prentice | May 30, 2023
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The New York Times is disappointed because apparently the newly released Disney movie for kids, ‘The Little Mermaid,’ isn’t kinky enough.

On May 24th, the New York Times published a review written by movie critic Wesley Morris, criticizing the movie for not having enough “kink.”

“‘The Little Mermaid’ is everything nobody should want in a movie: dutiful and defensive, yet desperate for approval. It reeks of obligation and noble intentions,” Morris wrote. 

“Joy, fun, mystery, risk, flavor, kink — they’re missing.”

Exactly what kind of “flavor” and “kink” does this critic think this kid's movie is lacking?

Related: NYT Finally Found the Hill We’re Willing to Die on, Tomi Lahren Says When Review Calls for ‘Kink’ in ‘Little Mermaid’

Usually, the word “kink” has a sexual connotation deemed inappropriate and unsuitable for children, which is the age group this movie was targeted towards. Kink really shouldn't be anywhere near a children’s movie. 

Another example of how the modern Left is obsessed with sexualizing children.

The similar sentiment was expressed by a concerned Twitter user by the name of Martyr Made:

“The New York Times complaining about the lack of ‘kink’ in The Little Mermaid pretty much sums up where we’re at. Corrupt perverts in charge, abject degeneracy proud on full display, their contempt for traditional values transformed into a seething hatred for ordinary people.”

Children deserve to be children and enjoy all the things children enjoy, such as cheesy Disney movies, without sex being involved. But this instance is only one more example of the moral degradation of our country that is going to hurt society’s most vulnerable.

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