NJ Columnist Allegedly Issues Death Threat to Rep. Jeff Van Drew on a Voice Mail for Switching to Republican Party to Support Trump

Nick Kangadis | March 18, 2021

We all know the elitist media is, for the most part, comprised of radically left activists masquerading as journalists. That’s an opinion, not a verification. But that’s never stopped supposedly reputable outlets like The Washington Post from posting fake news all because they hate certain politicians. That type of unethical, journalistic mindset permeates all the way down to local reporting, because people are sheep and they’ll copy whatever they think will get them clicks — honesty be damned.

Another fake tough guy leftist pretending to be a journalist, self-professed “member of the New Jersey Press Association” John McCall, was revealed to have allegedly left a repeatedly threatening voice mail on New Jersey Rep. Jeff Van Drew’s (R) phone.

Van Drew, who left the Democratic Party for the Republican Party in late 2019, released the a video of the audio of the voice mail in question on Monday. McCall immediately identifies himself in the message and goes so far in his hatred of Van Drew that he said he would “do everything in my [McCall’s] power to ensure that you [Van Drew] are deposed, if not dead.”

Sounds to me like McCall might've issued a direct death threat against Van Drew.

“Anything I can do to basically get you out of office, I will do," McCall said as he concluded his message. "You are a traitor Jeff Van Drew, and you deserve the fate of all traitors.”

RELATED: Rep. Jeff Van Drew: Radical Dems Want Biden to Be Their Puppet President

According to The Blaze, McCall had apparently previously written a “disturbing column fantasizing about the wife of the [Van Drew] being sexually assaulted."

“Van Drew's mentor has said it's cool to greet women by grabbing them between the legs," McCall wrote, referring to the 2005 secretly recorded comments by former President Donald Trump. "Should we test the acceptability of this remark and get the direct response of a prominent GOP female by greeting Van Drew's wife with the Republican high-five, lifting her over the hood of her car and objectively recording her physical reaction to the tickle when she lands?”

That’s sick.

McCall might need some counseling to address his clear, disturbing and violent discrimination against people who might not think exactly like he does. I guess that’s the kind of thinking prevalent in small people with even narrower views.

For the audio of the McCall voice mail to Van Drew, watch and listen below: